The increase in online sales in the hospitality industry will exceed 20%


The year 2017 promises to be prosperous for the hotel industry in Central Europe. Growth can be expected in many areas, especially in online sales where the increase could even exceed 20%, according to reports.

In the coming year, hoteliers will focus more on direct sales, sustainable development and the use of modern technologies aimed at optimizing profits. The above forecasts can be found in “Hotel Marketing & Technology Trends” – the fourth publication of the series prepared by Profitroom experts in cooperation with their partner – the consulting company Deloitte, reported.

This year’s report includes 13 trends in the areas of technology, marketing and sales, which will have a direct impact on the functioning of hotel facilities in 2017. These include, among others VR technology, the increasingly popular live streaming, or the use of emotions in marketing communication that is also gaining popularity in the industry, according to Taking advantage of these trends will help hoteliers present their facilities in an attractive way against those of their competitors and encourage potential guests to pay a visit, the website added.

“We live in uncertain times. Direct reservations, strong hotel brand and the ability to directly get in touch with the guest is a kind of insurance policy against the downturn. It is not only a financial, but also a strategic requirement”, said Marcin Dragan, Profitroom Managing Director.

“The economy of the closed circuit is a challenge, but also a huge opportunity for the hotel business. By applying such a strategy hotels may stand out against the competition and demonstrate their commitment to sustainable development, to which modern consumers are increasingly sensitive and which they increasingly take into consideration when making their choices”, says Julia Patorska, Senior Manager in the Deloitte Sustainability team.